Farm Overview
Urrbrae Farm Overview
Urrbrae is located on the foothills of the Mount Lofty Ranges, 5km SE of the CBD of Adelaide. The Urrbrae Farm was established in 1932 and is recognised as one of the most comprehensive displays of agricultural and horticultural enterprises in Australia dedicated to the delivery of agricultural education. The farm spreads across 30 hectares and is used extensively in the learning and training programs. Students undertake research, practical work and skills training as part of their learning program at all year levels. The agriculture teaching staff are assisted by experienced farm staff including the Farm Manager, Farm Mechanic and Farm Instructors who are enterprise specialists. The farm produce is retailed through the school canteen and monthly Barn Markets.
Urrbrae Farm Purpose and Objectives:
The farm operates as both a working farm and an agricultural science laboratory. This enables students to learn about enterprise management and how science enhances production and animal welfare. The objective is to demonstrate highest industry standard management and optimal production of each land class and enterprise activity, strategies include:
- Demonstrating a diverse range of agricultural and horticultural enterprises for teaching and learning activities.
- Integration and utilisation of advanced technology relating to agricultural and horticultural production, measurement and recording systems across all farm enterprises.
- Increase soil organic matter levels by using minimum tillage and residue conservation and recycling practices
- Optimising grazing pressure with strategic and rotation livestock movements and feeding procedures
- Measuring and recording production variables with students to facilitate decision making and improvement
- Demonstrate safe operating procedures and “best practice” management techniques in an educational setting.