Bring Your Own Device
Urrbrae Agricultural High School has a strong focus on digital fluency to enable students to be successful global citizens in the 21st Century.
To access the Learning with Technologies (LWT) BYOD portal and view the range of recommended devices, please visit
Web-based tools and resources have changed the landscape of learning, and the integration of technology is a significant feature of the school’s teaching programs. It is therefore important to ensure all students at Urrbrae are equipped with their own digital device. To facilitate this, Urrbrae has adopted a comprehensive one-to-one digital access policy, combined with a Bring Your Own Device program.
Under the Bring Your Own Device program, it is a requirement that all students have access to a digital device. Many students already own their own devices, which they are welcome to use. However, should you prefer to purchase a new device, we have partnered with LWT to bring you a range of recommended laptops.
Recommended laptops are of an appropriate strength and weight to permit students to easily and safely transport the device to and from school and between classes, and the battery is guaranteed to last throughout the school day. With appropriate management, the battery will continue to provide service for at least three years. The school can support these devices with rapid resolution of issues related to hardware and software, via a warranty and service agreement with the manufacturers, and we will have replacement devices available to allow students to continue their studies while any repairs take place. All recommended laptops come with a three-year warranty.
Delivery Timeline
If you intended to purchase a laptop please note that there is a lead time for delivery. Due to supply issues this may be longer on some models. Placing orders as soon as possible will maximise the chance of orders arriving prior to start of the school year.
Please direct all enquiries regarding delivering times to LWT. LWT have a dedicated BYOD phone number for payment and delivery enquiries 1300 839 605.
Accidental Damage
Accidental damage insurance is offered at an additional cost when purchasing a laptop. We strongly recommend this is taken out to prevent large costs, should the laptop be damaged. If you decide not to take one of the insurance options, it will be your responsibility to have the laptop covered under your own insurance or pay the full repair fee to have the laptop damage repaired. An insurance option is provided for each device.
Urrbrae Agricultural High School accepts no responsibility for loss of, nor damage to, personal equipment, including laptops, mobile phones and other electronic devices.
Laptop Bag
Laptop bags are not included automatically when purchasing a laptop and must be selected as an additional purchase item prior to checkout.
Laptop Specifications
Please direct any questions about laptop specifications to LWT. Contact details for LWT can be found on the BYOD Portal.
If you purchase a laptop through the BYOD Portal, you are purchasing from LWT, not Urrbrae Agricultural High School. All payment issues should be directed to LWT. LWT have a dedicated BYOD phone number for payment and delivery enquiries 1300 839 605.
We understand that many retail outlets offer sales before Christmas and leading in to the beginning of the school year. Please take time to compare the specifications of any retail devices you are considering with the laptops we recommend. Most of the cheaper retail devices are too heavy, lack strength, have short battery life or have inferior specifications when compared with the laptops offered through the BYOD portal. It should also be noted retailers often charge additional costs for warranty and software that can cause prices to rise quickly.