
The Urrbrae Wetland is an exciting facility that offers opportunities for various groups to visit. Its main purpose is as a site of education. All schools and the general community are welcome to visit the Urrbrae Wetland.

Tours and short visits are ONLY available through prior arrangement with the Wetland Manager.

The entry fee and access to the Education Program is $6.00 per student (plus GST).

If you would like to make a booking to visit the wetland head to the following pages depending on your requirements as either a school group or a community group.

Joint visits

It is also possible to visit Urrbrae Farm or the Nature Education Centre combined with Urrbrae Wetlands.   

This provides the opportunity for schools and community groups to participate in joint visits to the Wetland, Farm and Nature Education Centre.

Urrbrae Trails and Nature Education Centre

School Groups

This exciting facility can offer authentic and engaging learning opportunities for all age groups including Foundation up to Tertiary, across a range of learning areas and curriculum. There are a variety of hands-on activities such as water sampling and testing or netting for aquatic-macroinvertebrates. Through consultation with our Wetland Manager the activities are tailored to suit your students learning needs as well as supporting curriculum topics and outcomes.

What to Bring

The Urrbrae Wetland is an environmental site with limited access to electronic appliances.

If having recess and lunch at the Wetland, encourage students to pack food suitable for an outdoors picnic. This includes foods that do not need heating or cooling.

Always bring a WATER bottle – the is a tap for refill at the Wetland.

We recommended students bring ‘nude food’ to reduce their ecological footprint.


Upon booking the Wetland Manager will collaborate with the excursion coordinator to select wetland programs and resources specific to curriculum and cohort needs. The visiting group will then receive a booking sheet detailing the programs, logistics, timeline and key resources linking to the activities.

You will receive a completed booking sheet via email, this severs as final confirmation of the excursion.

Sites will be invoiced following the excursion.

It is recommended that schools book a term in advance to secure their optimum excursion dates and avoid disappointment.


The Sciences

Water quality testing, Scientific Method/experimental design, the water cycle, biotic & abiotic factors, biodiversity , identifying organisms (birds, plants), adaptations and survival & habitat variations

Society & Environment

Importance / function of wetlands, indigenous uses of wetlands , human impact on ecosystems, catchment Issues, storm water management, pollution and trash surveys, natural vs man made wetlands & mapping.


Collecting and recording data, symmetry in nature, measurement, area & volume & spatial awareness.


Wetlands stories, poetry, creative writing, narrative writing & persuasive writing.

Health & P.E

Bush waking, orienteering, outdoor risk analysis, bush immersion & healthy habits


Solving design problems, designing outdoor structures & designing urban landscapes.

The Arts

Photography, Observational drawing, painting, biological drawing, creating music from sound & investigation movement & sound.

Community Groups

Alternatively, you can use the tranquil surroundings and diversity of plants and animals to inspire your class. If you work within education or a community organisation, from the early years through to a tertiary level and beyond, then a visit to the Wetlands could be just what you are looking for.