Public Transport
Bus Information
Travel to and from Urrbrae is provided through a network of public transport services across the metropolitan area. A range of bus companies provide morning and afternoon services leaving from Cross Road and Fullarton Road. Up to date information about connections, routes and timetables can be found at the Adelaide Metro Website or by ringing the Adelaide Metro Infoline (1300 311 108).
Common services include:
- 882, 886, 876, and 886 services along the freeway to Crafers and Mt Baker with connections
- All 100 services along Cross Road and Marion Road
- 632 from the City
- 782, 783, 989, 991 to the southern suburbs
- 992 along North East Road to Walkerville
Please consult the Adelaide Metro website or Infoline to determine exactly which public transport your child will need to catch in order to get to school and home again.
During the first few days of school, Year 11 Peer Leaders support Year 7 students to locate the correct bus stop from Urrbrae. As many students will then need to catch a connecting bus or train, please ensure that you have worked out your child’s route with them well in advance – there may not be another Urrbrae student making the same connection who your child can ask if unsure. 100 and 632 services run during the school holidays, so some families will be able to have a practice run. Even if your child’s bus does not run during the holidays, it is worth researching and identifying the locations of bus stops, and checking to see how long it takes to walk there. It is also important that you and your child have a backup plan for the rare occasions when a bus or a train is missed.
Urrbrae dismisses students at 2:35pm on Wednesdays, and most bus services cater for the early dismissal. Please ensure that you check the Wednesday afternoon timetable of the bus that your child needs to catch.
In the event that you need to speak directly to the company which operates your child’s public transport, contact details correct at the time of publication are below:
- Southlink – 8339 7544
- Torrens Transit – 8292 8100
- Link SA – 85322633