School Excursions
As with all public open spaces there are inherent dangers associated with the natural and urban environment. The Urrbrae Agricultural High School, Urrbrae Wetland and Mitcham Council take the staff and visitor safety seriously.
BEFORE ANY GROUPS VISIT THE URRBRAE WETLAND – group leaders (teachers, supervisors) must read the following Risk Management document, making them aware of their specific roles and the role of the Wetland Manager in relation to risk management.
This document must be signed, dated and emailed back to the Wetland Manager prior to the excursion date, indicating to the Wetland Manager that all supervising staff are aware of the risk management procedures.
Wetlands Risk Management Form (PDF, 817 KB)
General DECD risk assessment templates and procedures can be found by clicking the following link.
Weather Policy
Wet Weather Policy
Wet Weather Policy (PDF, 97 KB)
Useful Links
Local Links
NRM Education provide a broad range of resources packages, ID Charts and monitoring programs all with a strong focus on engaging with our local environment all with very strong ties to concepts covered as during an Urrbrae Wetland Excursion.
National Links
Murray-Darling Basin Authority
The MDBA off an extensive range of resources and digital games (a favorite is Run the River!). All resources are free with direct links to the Australian National Curriculum and are an excellent way to extend upon the concepts of water sustainability and management covered during an Urrbrae Wetland Excursion.
International Links
The Ramsar Convention is an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation of wetlands. This site provides a range of resources and activities with looking at the international context of Wetlands. This is also where you can get involved in WORLD WETLAND DAY!
Environmental Sustainability
KESAB Environmental Solution Interactive fact sheets, catchment and coastal studies, tours, games, aquatic animals, links and a did you know section, a great resource for teachers and students.
Earth Clock – a real time, visual representation of the worlds popualtion growth, CO2 emissions, species and forest loss, waste production, etc. Its a little scary to watch
Urrbrae Wetland plants, animals, fungi & everything else
The Wetland ecosystem changes throughout the seasons. For more information and photos on the plants, animals and fungi that occur at differently times throughout the year, visits the Urrbrae Wetland Birdie website.
Frog Watch SA and the Frog Spotter App
Help to monitor and track frog species, whilst learning the types of frogs present in your area. This site has a brilliant app. to assist in the identification of frog calls.
Wetland Ecology
Wetland Care Australia – resource packs for schools and teachers
Australian Fresh Water Algae – identification keys
Discovering Wetlands in Australia – the Australian Government has produced a primary school classroom education kit. The package has been designed as a curriculum resource for Primary School students in Years 3-6. It is also suitable for use in wetland education centres, and for anyone who wants to find out more about Australia’s wetlands.
Wild about Wetlands – this site is home to hundreds of teaching resources varying from syllabus documents to resource kits, teacher and student guides, videos, posters and activity sheets as well as maps and research information.There is an extensive search into teaching resources regarding Wetland and Catchment related sites. This list provides opportunities for access to free online resources and games, kits and CDs.