Urrbrae Today

Urrbrae Agricultural High School is situated 6 km from the Adelaide GPO on the corner of Cross and Fullarton Roads, Netherby and is recognised as the only comprehensive special interest agricultural school in South Australia.  Urrbrae has developed well beyond the original vision of Peter Waite, who bequeathed the land (46 hectares) to the State in 1918 with the school opening in 1932.  Waite’s vision was to provide city-dwelling students with the opportunity to learn about and engage in the primary industry of agriculture.  While Waite’s view of agriculture focused on traditional elements of cropping and livestock, Urrbrae today promotes an understanding of a wide and diverse range of agriculture, horticulture, technology and the environment for its students and the wider community.  Urrbrae, through its innovative and creative planning, has a national and international reputation as an exemplary model of educating for a sustainable future.

Urrbrae is recognised as a centre of excellence in student learning with a focus on agriculture, technology and the environment.  Our motto is “Science with Practice” and this principle is integrated into curriculum areas across the school. Quality relationships between students, their families, staff and the community provide a solid foundation from which to work.  We recognise that a sense of belonging promotes positive outcomes, and we encourage student involvement in a diverse range of activities, both curricular and extracurricular to promote feelings of pride and success.  Students are encouraged to make a positive difference to the lives of others, the environment and society as a whole.

Urrbrae Agricultural High School provides students with the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of programs which enable them to explore their true potential, extend and expand on their knowledge base and further develop their analytical Leadership, teamwork and problem-solving skills.

Urrbrae prides itself on providing a positive and supportive learning environment for all.  Staff and students together develop, promote and implement the school values of Responsibility, Respect, Resilience and Rigour.  The school promotes and supports positive outcomes for students in academic, service and co-curricular fields.

Urrbrae welcomed Year 7 students in 2022 and offers a number of initiatives to support beginning students. This includes a strong orientation programme including Transition visits, a comprehensive Connectedness & Belonging programme, a Peer Leadership programme and dedicated Homegroup Teachers for each year level.  Urrbrae is unique in that it offers annual scholarships and awards such as the Mortlock Scholarships for academic excellence from Year 7 through to university studies.

Prospective students apply to enrol the main selection criteria are:

  • A demonstrated interest in and commitment to one, some or all the school’s focus areas of Agriculture, Horticulture, the Environment and Technology.
  • A demonstrated positive attitude toward learning, school and study.
  • Participation in a range of activities both in and out of school.
  • A willingness to join in with and build school and community.