

Friends of the Wetlands

The work of the Friends of the Urrbrae Wetland is an essential part of the Urrbrae Wetland. They meet every Tuesday from 8.30am to 12noon and work on maintenance, planting, watering, weed eradication, open days and guided tours.

Their work in caring for the wetland has created an extraordinary ambience about the wetland. They have turned a plant free, barren site into a wonderful indigenous, landscaped garden and seed bank as it might have been in 1836 prior to European settlement and land clearance.

The volunteers have created a most relaxing and invigorating experience for the visitor and the surrounding suburbs.

For further information contact: 

City of Mitcham on 8372 8888
or the
Urrbrae Wetland Manager on 8274 7443

The Friends no longer publish a Newsletter but rather post news and relevant information on their Facebook site.

Have a look at the friends new Facebook page:
Friend of Urrbrae Wetlands Facebook





Open Days

Autumn and Spring dates yet to be released for 2025

The Wetland Volunteer group, the Friends, invite families, individuals and small groups to come and learn about the ecology and functioning of this man-made wetland or just to wander around and enjoy the beautiful environment. There will be self-guided tours and volunteers at the wetlands to assist with any queries. No need to book – just come along!

Cost – optional gold coin donation

Parking – Gate D off Cross Roads, next to the school oval